Welcome to KPS!

My favorite quote is "When you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life," I find this statement to be very true in every aspect of my photography. Starting out after my son was born almost 15 years ago, with just a cell phone, I knew i had a love for pictures. A passion at the time, that I never knew I had the "eye" for. I find that photos are not only a picture to reminisce about, but they are memories that are frozen in time. Someday pictures is all we will have, and it is my passion to bring the most memorable moments, of your families, the birth of your first, second or even third child. Finding the precious moment of that first kiss, after saying "I do," or the moment with your bridesmaid's, and all the laughs and cries, before your big day takes off.

A back story of when I began this journey, was in 2017. I purchased my first camera with the intention of taking photos of my children, that quickly caught the eye of many on social media. I am married to a wonderful husband, whom I have been with for Ten years, and we have wonderful children that we love so much. Recent accomplishments that I am super proud to share, is that I have now been published in 5 different magazines, with over 7 features, and publications for my recent work in 2022 & 2023. Hiring me as your photographer, you will get a friend, a professional, someone you can come to with your wedding day jitters. Do you need those bobby pins? Did you need a hand to hold during your labor and delivery? I am there through it all and to create ever-lasting clients for years to come! I look forward to meeting you, & your families, to bring you not only photos, but most importantly, memories.

What you get in me as your Photographer:

During sessions, or weddings, you will not only be investing in a photographer for your memories, but you will be getting a photographer that shows you direction, gives clear advice on posing that makes you comfortable and more confident for your photos. Myself and my team love to laugh and make your experience with us memorable. I have always said, when you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. To be a photographer, isn't just a job to me, it is my passion to capture moments that are timeless.


Kailyn & Mikie

"Melanie has made this very pregnant momma feel beautiful"

January 1, 2024 we will no longer take bookings for Maternity or mini sessions except for Christmas minis. AvaILABLE sessions in 2024 are listed on our home page.

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